Making a speech or speaking in public is something that many people fear. In fact, it was once said that "speaking in public" came above "death" in peoples fears.
It is never easy to speak in public, and very often, the pressure and stress of doing some can be extremely strong and difficult to cope with.
This app has been developed to help you make speeches and to speak in public, without the fear and stress that accompanies it.
There are many situations in life where you will need to speak out in front of people, such as at a wedding, work situation, local debate or many other scenarios. Knowing what to say and how to say it are vital in getting your point across and understood.
The "What is public Speaking" app is packed full of useful information and advice, video clips, useful tools and much more to make your preparation for your public speaking event to be much more easier and stress free.
The app contains a wide selection of information articles covering a wide range of situations such as ...
* Advice on how to deliver a public speech
* A world of presentations without Powerpoint
* Better public speaking
* Bring your presentations to life
* Conquer your fear of speaking in public
* Microphone techniques
* Motivational speakers
... and much more useful and practical information for your public speaking event.
There is also a video section featuring a number of different sections, each filled with very educational and interesting video clips. These include some fantastic examples of speaking in public.
The app also has a section for a voice recorder and other useful tools, all of which are very useful when it comes to preparing for your public speaking event.
Dont let your fear of making a speech or speaking in public take you over. Learn how to deal with the pressure of speaking in public, and pick up a huge selection of useful tips and advice, to make your experience an enjoyable and pleasurable one, rather than one filled with stress, anxiety and fear.